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Accueil > Jeux de cartes > Réservations tournois > Tournois Flesh & Blood > FAB - Living Legend Classic Constructed (CC) - Armory Event - 24/08/24 - 10h30

FAB - Living Legend Classic Constructed (CC) - Armory Event - 24/08/24 - 10h30

6,00 6,00 TTC
Réf. : FABBL2408

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Tournoi Armory Living Legend Kit Août 2024

Places disponibles : 16
PAF : 6€ (sur place ou en ligne)

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Living Legend format is a thrilling evolution of Classic Constructed, where the mighty heroes who have achieved living legend status, along with their iconic signature weapons, have been unshackled from the confines of conventional play - a realm where old heroes find new glory, and where players can unleash the full potential of their decks. Step into the shoes of these revered champions and embrace the power of unparalleled card synergies, or step up to the challenge with your contender to take down these renowned titans. Are you ready to test the strength of living legends?

Living Legend is based on the Classic Constructed format.

1 non-young hero card
80 card-pool (includes weapons, equipment, etc, and cards in the deck)
Start with a minimum of 60 cards in the deck
Up to 3 copies of each unique card
55 minutes per round, first to 1

In Living Legend, each player registers their non-young hero card and 80 cards that make up their card-pool. The card-pool includes arena-cards (weapons, equipment, etc), and deck-cards that will start in the player’s deck.

A card can only be included in a Player’s card-pool if the card’s class/talents are a subset of the hero’s class/talents (e.g. a Light talent card can only be included in a card-pool if the hero has a Light talent). Generic cards can be included in any card-pool.

A card-pool may contain up to 3 copies of each unique card. A card is unique if it has a different name AND pitch value from another card. (e.g. Sink Below (red) is unique compared to Sink Below (blue) because they have different pitch values)

Each game of a match follows the same procedure:

Each player reveals their hero card.
Choose a player at random, and then that player decides who will go first.
Each player chooses the equipment, weapons, and 60-card minimum deck they will use for this game (chosen from their 80 card-pool).
Each player shuffles and presents their deck to the opponent, who may shuffle and/or cut.
Each player reveals the weapon(s) and equipment they have chosen for this game, draws cards up to their hero's intellect, and the first player begins the first turn of the game.


  • Jusque 8 joueurs - 3 rondes et fin prévue à 13h30
  • 9+ joueurs - 4 rondes et fin prévue à 14h30

Matches: First to 1 win
Round Time: 55 minutes

Lots LSS:

  • Vainqueur: Cold Foil
  • 1 Tapis People's Champion remis au hasard
  • 1 RF de participation pour chaque joueur

Lots L'Antre Temps:

1.5 boosters/joueur inscrit ajouté au prize pool et répartis comme suit:

  • 1 booster de participation par joueur
  • boosters supplémentaire au Top (à déterminer en fonction du nombre de joueurs)

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