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The Zone of Silence Spreads
The Silent King and his Necron legions have expanded the boundaries of the Nephilim Anomaly, raising sinister noctilith pylons upon world after world. Whole systems have vanished beneath this smothering anti-psychic shroud, but the Necrons' efforts to sever realspace from the warp have not gone unopposed. A fresh Imperial armada, overseen by the acquisitive Archmagos Cawl, has struck deep into the Nephilim Anomaly. But have they come to topple the ominous noctilith technology of their enemies, or to harvest and exploit it for themselves?
This 120-page hardback book is a Crusade expansion for Warhammer 40,000 that lays out the unsettling narrative of the Nephilim War and the Pariah Nexus, along with the rules you'll need to play narrative games, build and upgrade a Crusade army between battles, and run your own campaigns.
Richly detailed background sections lay out the narrative of the Nephilim War, from the unnerving opening moves of the Necron nobility and the initial Imperial investigations, to the fervent ambitions of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the nightmarish technologies that are unleashed as the conflict escalates out of control. The story of this nightmarish war in the depths of 'The Anomaly' is told through stories, maps, and ominous illustrations.
A stunning showcase of Citadel miniatures painted by the 'Eavy Metal team, representing forces embroiled in the conflicts raging through the Nephilim sub-sector. Each sweeping diorama includes narrative notes on that battle and the combatants involved.
All the rules you will need to take your army of Citadel miniatures on a Crusade across the stars. Crusade campaigns allow you to track the development of your army between games, acquiring resources and injuries with each victory or defeat, turning the greenest of recruits into hard-bitten veterans over the course of many battles.
You'll learn how to muster a Crusade army, track Experience points, purchase Requisitions, suffer Battle Scars, and rank up to gain Battle Honours.
A wealth of exciting Crusade rules content to help you play out a Pariah Nexus campaign on the tabletop, as any number of players form alliances between Seekers, Protectors, and Interlopers. You'll also find unique Battle Traits, Crusade Relics, Agendas, and Crusade Blessings – themed around the Nephilim War, but usable by any faction – plus rules for harvesting and harnessing Blackstone Fragments to empower your Crusade Force.
15 immersive and exciting Crusade missions, perfect for narrative games and your Pariah Nexus campaign. Claim precious noctilith shards in a Dig Site Raid, seize vital comms relays to overcome Gheists in the Static, and bring down impossible defences in a Quantum Siege.
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